Happy first day of Fall! We have been working hard to learn our numbers, write our numbers, and represent a group with a number using different math tools (pictures, tally marks, ten frames)
We made our class goal for the DASH run. We will work to get 12 or more sponsors as a class. More info will be coming home about the DASH soon.
The Washington Farm field trip is coming up in October. Please be sure to return your permission slip and cost of your students ticket. If you are unable to pay for your student due to financial hardship or you are willing to sponsor another child, please let me know ASAP.
Be sure to attend the last volunteer training on October 2 , from 12:30- 1:30. You must have completed the volunteer training to attend field trips and class parties.
Week in Review:
- Writing and representing numbers 6-10 (tally marks, ten frames, number line, one more, one less)
- Letter O, o long and short sounds and letter formation
- Sentence formation (capital and punctuation)
- Five senses
- CGI math (Cognitively Guided Instruction)
Activity Snapshot:
- 5 senses Popcorn Party! We discussed how we use all of our senses to experience popcorn. Always a fun one to do again at home for a movie night!
- Journal Writing about what we will be when we grow up
- Writing our "I can" book
- Practicing different ways to represent numbers
- Letters B,b (Bouncy Ben) and P,p (Peter Puppy)
- STEM challenge
- Continue learning about Writer's Workshop
- Blending
Star Student: Sara Kate Blevins
Reminders and Announcements:
Sept. 24 RBES spirit night @ Zaxby's
Oct. 2 LAST Volunteer training 12:30-1:30
Oct. 5 Teacher work day- no school
Oct. 8 Fall Break- no school
Oct. 12 Field trip- Washington Farms
Oct. 15 iMom breakfast 7:20am
Oct. 19 DA$H for Excellence Fun Run
Oct. 31 Book Character Parade
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