Friday, September 21, 2018

Ms. Shelly's News September 21

Happy first day of Fall!  We have been working hard to learn our numbers, write our numbers, and represent a group with a number using different math tools (pictures, tally marks, ten frames)

We made our class goal for the DASH run.  We will work to get 12 or more sponsors as a class.  More info will be coming home about the DASH soon.  

The Washington Farm field trip is coming up in October.  Please be sure to return your permission slip and cost of your students ticket. If you are unable to pay for your student due to financial hardship or you are willing to sponsor another child, please let me know ASAP.

Be sure to attend the last volunteer training on October 2 , from 12:30- 1:30.  You must have completed the volunteer training to attend field trips and class parties.

Week in Review:  
  • Writing and representing numbers 6-10 (tally marks, ten frames, number line, one more, one less)
  • Letter O, o long and short sounds and letter formation 
  • Sentence formation (capital and punctuation)
  • Five senses
  • CGI math (Cognitively Guided Instruction)
Activity Snapshot: 
  • 5 senses Popcorn Party! We discussed how we use all of our senses to experience popcorn.  Always a fun one to do again at home for a movie night!
  • Journal Writing about what we will be when we grow up
  • Writing our "I can" book
Sneak peek at the week:
  • Practicing different ways to represent numbers
  • Letters B,b  (Bouncy Ben) and P,p (Peter Puppy)
  • STEM challenge
  • Continue learning about Writer's Workshop
  • Blending
Star Student: Sara Kate Blevins

Reminders and Announcements:

  • Sept. 24 RBES spirit night @ Zaxby's

  • Oct. 2 LAST Volunteer training 12:30-1:30 

  • Oct. 5 Teacher work day- no school 

  • Oct. 8 Fall Break- no school 

  • Oct. 12 Field trip- Washington Farms 

  • Oct. 15 iMom breakfast 7:20am 

  • Oct. 19 DA$H for Excellence Fun Run 

  • Oct. 31 Book Character Parade 

  • Image result for happy fall graphic

    Friday, September 14, 2018

    Ms. Shelly's News September 14

    The book fair and grandparent lunch was a great success! Thank you for the donations to our classroom library!  I hope all of you got a chance to come to STEAM night.  If you missed this one, there will be another one in the spring. We ended this week with a morning pep rally to cheer on our Titans! 

    Please continue to practice sight words each night for homework for 5-10 minutes.  I will be checking everyone on sight words at the end of this month.  The expectation for 1st quarter is 30-40 words.

    Week in Review:  
    • Writing and representing numbers 1 to 5 (tally marks, ten frames, number line, one more, one less)
    • Letter F, f; V, v sounds and letter formation 
    • Sentence formation (capital and punctuation)
    •  Complete Community Helpers
    • CGI math (Cognitively Guided Instruction)
    Activity Snapshot: 
    • Firefighter speaker
    • Veterinarian speaker
    Sneak peek at the week:
    • Practicing different ways to represent numbers 6- 10
    • Letters O,o
    • Continue learning about Writer's Workshop
    • CGI 
    • Blending; Continue practicing letters and sounds; continue practicing sight words
    Star Student: Charlotte Platt

    Reminders and Announcements:

    • Sept. 18 Community Involvement session- Civic Center 6-8 
    • Sept 22 First day of Fall!
    • Sept. 24 RBES spirit night @ Zaxby's
    • Oct. 5 Teacher work day- no school 
    • Oct. 8 Fall Break- no school 
    • Oct. 12 Field trip- Washington Farms 
    • Oct. 15 iMom breakfast 7:20am 
    • Oct. 19 DA$H for Excellence Fun Run 
    • Oct. 31 Book Character Parade 
    • Ms. Shelly's News September 7

      Book fair and grandparent lunch begin next week.  Our day to go to the book fair as a class is Tuesday 9/11 @ 12:30. We would love to have you come be with us at the book fair if possible. Visitors are welcome at lunch any day and may take students to the book fair once they have finished eating and walk them back to my classroom when they have finished shopping.  STEAM night is a lot of fun!  It is free to participate and the book fair will be open that evening for those who are not able to come during the day. Ice cream and toppings are helping to raise money for our school library.

      iMom breakfast is Monday morning beginning at 7:20.  They will have several of these breakfasts throughout the year for K-2.

      MAP scores are coming home in their folders today.  Please continue to practice sight words nightly for homework! It really makes a difference with their reading. Everyone has color and number words.  New lists will be coming home soon!

      Our school is working hard to improve overall attendance.  Below is a reminder of the county policy regarding absences and tardies.  Please try to plan long trips around scheduled breaks whenever possible. We receive a class award each month for the highest % of class attendance per grade level.  Our class has set a goal with our Rocket buddies to achieve this for September.  All we have to do is be present every day for school! Easy Peasy!

      Attendance/Tardy Reminders

      Excused Absences
      1.  Excused Absence for Medical Reasons: Absences for which a student requires attention from a health care professional (i.e. doctor, dentist, psychiatrist, etc. . .) will always be excused when a note from the professional is provided to the school.
      2.  Parent Note Excused Absence--Maximum of 5 Parent notes per semester; 10 total for the year.  

      Unexcused Absence: Any absences beyond the ten (5) parent excused absences, except those supported by documentation from a health care provider, are considered unexcused

      Tardy: A student is tardy if he/she arrives after the start of the school day or leaves before the end of the school day, missing no more than three (3) hours. Arriving late or leaving early for a medical appointment can be an excused tardy as long as documentation from a medial professional is provided.

      Wish list
      baby wipes (to clean up after ice cream Fridays!)

      Week in Review:  
      • Letter I, i short and long sounds and letter formation
      • Sentence formation
      • Community Helpers 
      • CGI math (Cognitively Guided Instruction) 
      Activity Snapshot: 
      • We made a graph to see how many letters were in all of our names and displayed it
      • Counting activities- We counted the letters in our name with numbers, unifix cubes, ten-frames, and tally marks. We made numbers out of playdough and matched with number of playdough balls.
      • Met with our 5th grade Rocket Buddies
      Sneak peek at the week:
      • Ways to represent numbers
      • Letters F, f (Firefighter Fred) and V,v (Vicky Violet)
      • Finish up community helpers
      • Continue learning about Writer's Workshop
      • Rhyming words/blending

      Star Student: Eureka Zhu

      Reminders and Announcements:

      • Sept. 10 iMom breakfast
      • Sept. 10-14 Fall book fair/Grandparent lunch (please make sure any visitor is listed in PowerSchool that you listed on the paper you returned to school)
      • Sept. 11 Fall picture make-up
      • Sept. 11 STEAM night and Ice cream social
      • Sept. 24 RBES spirit night @ Zaxby's

      Monday, September 3, 2018

      Community Engagment Session

      Please join us Tuesday, September 18 from 6-9 p.m. to provide feedback as our district begins its Strategic Planning Process! This community meeting will be held at Oconee County Civic Center. See you there!

      Ms. Shelly’s News September 3

      A lot has been happening in our classroom! We have been practicing our reading and math small groups, learning how to work in a small group and with partners.  All the students are working hard and showing what they know. School pictures were this week.  We hope that everyone has safe travels over the holiday weekend.   See you on Tuesday!

      Week in Review:  
      • Letters S, s (Sammy Snake); Z, z (Zig Zag Zebra) sound and letter formation
      • Positional words (Prepositions)- where things are located
      • Labor Day
      • Community helpers 
      • CGI math (Cognitively Guided Instruction)

      Sneak peek at the week:
      • Counting and number words to ten
      • Letter "I, i" (Impy Ink)
      • Parts of a book
      • Begin Writer's Workshop
      • Continue Community Helpers
      Star Student: No star student this week

      Reminders and Announcements:
      • Sept. 10 iMom breakfast
      • Sept. 10-14 Fall book fair/Grandparent lunch (please make sure any visitor is listed in PowerSchool that you listed on the paper you returned to school)
      • Sept. 11 Fall picture make-up
      • Sept. 24 RBES spirit night @ Zaxby's