Friday, October 19, 2018

Ms. Shelly's News October 19

WOW! We had a busy week with the homecoming parade, 3rd grade play, DASH, and all of the hard work they put in learning and challenging themselves.  We also made the Rocket report news today for showing kindness.  We wrote thank you letters to sailors away at officer school to say "Thank you" for their contribution to our country.

We used the pumpkins from the field trip to do some math and science investigations. Then, we completed our 2nd STEM challenge, Pumpkin Towers.  The students used their senses to evaluate different building materials (jelly pumpkins, candy corn pumpkins, and marshmallow pumpkins) to decide which would be the best to make a model tower.  We also reviewed 3-D shapes and having a solid base to support our structure.  The students have learned the Engineering Design Process and motions to help them remember the steps.  Some structures were a success and some structures were not, but that is all part of the discovery process. Ask them to tell you more about our challenge!


Please help the 2nd grade students make a difference by contributing pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House.   It costs between $50 and $100 to operate a room at one of their facilities. The RMH receives market value, usually between $0.35 and $0.50 per pound, for the recycled metal in order to assist families in need.  Last year our school collected just over 100 pounds of aluminum through our collection efforts. This would almost pay for one night’s stay at one of the Ronald McDonald facilities. In order to help more families, we would love to increase our goal to 150 pounds of aluminum this school year.

In order to contribute, remove the pop tabs from every aluminum can and send them in to your child's homeroom teacher each month. The 2nd graders will collect each teacher’s tabs month, weigh and graph the data, and take the pop tabs to an individual who will deliver them to the Ronald McDonald House of Atlanta.   Thank you so much for your contributions!

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Parenting and Technology Night
Plugged-In Parents:  Keeping kids safe, happy, and healthy in the digital age.  

Tuesday, October 23
6:00 - 7:00
RBES Media Center

Join us as we address your main concerns regarding children and media use.  
  • Determining the right amount of screen time for your aged child
  • How to establish limits with screen time without major battles  
  • When to get your child a cell phone 
  • Developing a family media agreement
  • Media and friendships together - the benefits and challenges
As we prepare for the presentation, we would love your input.  So, if you haven't completed the parent technology survey, here's the link!

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  • Continue to practice sight words every night for 5-10 minutes.
  • Practice counting to 100.
Week in Review:  
  • Place value (ones/tens place)
  • Teen numbers
  • Letter K, k and G, g sounds and letter formation
  • CVC words (consonant/vowel/consonant)
  • Sight word games
  • CGI math (Cognitively Guided Instruction)
Activity Snapshot: 

  • STEM challenge
  • DA$H Fun Run
  • 3rd grade play "Squirm"
Sneak peek at the week:
  • Continue teen numbers
  • Letter J, j (Jumping Jim); W, w (Walter Walrus)
  • Continue Informational writing- Fall
  • CGI (taking away problems)
Star Student: Hollis Ade

Reminders and Announcements:

  • Oct. 31- Book Character Parade
  • Nov. 5- iMom breakfast 7:20
  • Nov. 15- Thanksgiving Feast
  • Nov. 19-23 Thanksgiving holidays
  • Dec. 17- Jan. 2 Winter holiday break

Friday, October 12, 2018

Ms. Shelly's News October 12

We had a wonderful day at Washington Farms for our fall field trip!  The weather was certainly in our favor. Thank you to the parents who were able to come and help out with the students.  There is some information coming home in the Friday folder from the farm as well as a free day pass.

I can't believe we are already at the end of Quarter 1! Report Cards are coming home today. You keep the insert.  Please sign and return the envelope to me on Monday.  

DA$H is coming up next Friday!  There will be a parent observation area where parents may stand to cheer on the students.  This is a pretty quick activity so make sure you don't miss us! Our time to run outside will be 10:10-10:25.  

Our class has set a goal that we will have 12 sponsors, minimum.  You only ask for sponsors at the moment and turn in the pledge card.  Once the students run the laps, we will send home their number and you will collect pledge money at that time to send to school.  There is also the online option this year. Thanks for being such amazing parents!!!

We are looking for Veterans to be recognized during our Veterans Day Assembly on Friday, November 9th at 1:50 pm.  If you are a Veteran or know of one who would like to participate please contact Tiffany Hancock at

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  • Continue to practice sight words every night for 5-10 minutes.
  • Practice counting to 100.
Week in Review:  
  • More/less/equal
  • Place value (tens place)
  • Letter E, e sounds and letter formation
  • Sentence formation
  • Sight word games
  • CGI math (Cognitively Guided Instruction)
Activity Snapshot: 
  • Pumpkin life cycle
  • Race to Trace (teen numbers)
  • Working on our first book!
  • Made Christopher Columbus pictures
Sneak peek at the week:
  • Continue teen numbers
  • STEM challenge/pumpkin math
  • Letter K, k (Kicking King) G, g (Golden Girl)
  • Informational writing
  • CGI (taking away problems)

Star Student: Olivia Branch

Reminders and Announcements:

  • Oct. 15- iMom breakfast 7:20
  • Oct. 19- DA$H for Excellence Fun Run
  • Oct. 31- Book Character Parade
  • Nov. 5- iMom breakfast 7:20
  • Nov. 15- Thanksgiving Feast
  • Nov. 19-23 Thanksgiving holidays
  • Dec. 17- Jan. 2 Winter holiday break

Image result for pumpkin graphic

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Ms. Shelly's News October 4

We had a busy week!  Today, we started with the Monarch assembly and a DASH pep rally this afternoon. We walked the monarch garden and made observations about the monarchs and other butterflies. 

I bet they are tired. Thank you to everyone who sent in an apple this week.  We had so much fun peeling and spiraling them to cook. Conference reminders went home in folders today.  I hope everyone has a wonderful long weekend!

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  • Continue to practice sight words every night for 5-10 minutes.
  • Practice counting to 100.  Transitions between decades are tricky sometimes!
Image result for apples
  • Week in Review:  
  • patterns with apples
  • Math review
  • Letter M, m and N, n sounds and letter formation
  • Sentence formation
  • Sight word games
  • CGI math (Cognitively Guided Instruction)
Activity Snapshot: 
  • Apple pattern hats
  • Created patterns with Apple Jacks cereal
  • Apple taste test and class graph
  • Learned an apple poem and created a sequences with pictures
  • Made applesauce, which turned out to be baked apple, to eat together with contributed apples.
Sneak peek at the week:
  • Begin teen numbers
  • Letter E, e (Eddy Elephant)
  • Intro. informational writing
  • Life Cycle of a pumpkin
  • Columbus Day
Reminders and Announcements:

  • Oct. 5 Teacher work day- no school 

  • Oct. 8 Fall Break- no school 

  • Oct. 12 Field trip- Washington Farms 

  • Oct. 15 iMom breakfast 7:20am 

  • Oct. 19 DA$H for Excellence Fun Run 

  • Oct. 31 Book Character Parade 
  • Monday, October 1, 2018

    Ms. Shelly's News October 1

    We adhere to the Oconee County Wellness policy and encourage healthy, low sugar, snacks at school (fruit, yogurt, crackers, etc.) and water only in water bottles.  This helps to keep us focused and our classroom neat. Make sure you send in a snack daily for your child. We appreciate your help with this!

    Conference sign-ups were completed online.  If you missed the email or if you need a time that was not listed, Please email me.

    Be thinking of a character to dress up as from your favorite book!  Book character parade is coming up on October 31 (student only event).

    If you have not sent in payment for the field trip yet, please do so as soon as possible. If you need assistance, send me an email.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

    Image result for homework clip art

    • Everyone was checked today. New lists are coming home if needed. Continue to practice sight words every night for 5-10 minutes.
    Week in Review:  
    • One more
    • Letter B,b and P,p sounds and letter formation
    • Sentence formation
    • Chunking words to help us read
    • STEM Engineering Design Process
    • CGI math (Cognitively Guided Instruction)
    Activity Snapshot: 
    • STEM sort and build challenge - The Three Pigs
    • Writing our "I like" book
    Sneak peek at the week:
    • Practicing number writing and review 
    • Letters M,m  (Munching Mike) and  N,n (Noisy Nick)
    • Continue learning about Writer's Workshop
    • Fall, Apples and Pumpkins
    Reminders and Announcements:

  • Oct. 2 LAST Volunteer training 12:30-1:30 

  • Oct. 5 Teacher work day- no school 

  • Oct. 8 Fall Break- no school 

  • Oct. 12 Field trip- Washington Farms 

  • Oct. 15 iMom breakfast 7:20am 

  • Oct. 19 DA$H for Excellence Fun Run 

  • Oct. 31 Book Character Parade