Thursday, May 2, 2019

Ms. Shelly's News May 3

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The school year is getting closer to the end.  We will be practicing the skills that we have learned through out the year over the next couple of weeks.  Kindergarten will begin MAP test  the first week in May.  We will be testing on May 6th and May 8th.  Please make every effort to have your child at school on these days.

We will be doing some fun activities in class to countdown the last 10 days before summer break!  I'll let you know what surprise "pops" out of the balloon! Some days will require something to be sent in/worn from home.

Field day is coming up!  Make sure to apply sun block at home before school! Be sure to send in a labeled towel and water bottle with your child.

Week in Review:

  • Writing: Review of Narrative writing (a story with a beginning, middle, and end); sentence mechanics
  • Math: Math review games: Coins, Tens and Ones, Time to the hour 
  • ELA: Discussed how the story changed in each book (character, setting, problem, solution)-Goldilocks and the Three Bears
  • Science: Farms/plants

Activity Snapshot:

  • Farm field trip 
  • Thank you to Mandy Cushenberry and Jessica Wheeler for being such awesome mystery readers!
  • Rocket buddies came to read our completed Dinosaur and Farm books.  So much fun to see how excited they are to share their writings!!

Announcements and Reminders:

  • May 13 K-2 Field Day- Bring water bottles and wear sunscreen!!
  • May 17 Half day on last day of School (Dismissal @ 11:00)
  • May 17 @ 10:30 All parents are welcome to attend!