Saturday, March 23, 2019

Ms. Shelly's News March 22

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Happy first week of Spring and welcome to quarter 4!  The last quarter of the school year has arrived and there are many fun activities coming up.  Be sure to check the dates below and mark your calendars.  Thank you to  our first mystery reader, Dimpal Patel.  She brought in such a sweet story about friendship to share with our class! We enjoyed the story so much!

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  • Continue to practice sight words every night for 5-10 minutes. 
  • Continue to practice counting to 100 by 1's and 10's at home. Some students have moved on to counting by 5's.
  • Shoe Tying practice...There are some super interested kids wanting to tie their shoes all on their own.  Be sure to practice this skill at home

What is the 2019 Rocky Branch Mother and Son event?
Skate Night!
Athens Skate Inn 295 Commerce Blvd. Athens, Georgia 30606
Tuesday April 16th, 2019   5:30 – 7:30
How much will it cost?
$5.00 per person (pay at the door, no prepay needed)
*Concessions will be available for purchase.
See you there!

Week in Review:

  • Writing: Read It looked like spilled milk and wrote about what we thought the cloud looked like. Researched our last dinosaur for our research book and wrote facts.
  • Math: Missing addend (3+__=10); Subtraction practice (number line, counters); Fact Fluency to 5.
  • ELA: Parts of a story (characters, setting, problem, solution)
  • Science: Begin Living/Non-living STEAM unit

Activity Snapshot:

  • Book fair
  • Grandparent lunch
  • Walking field trip to the pollinator garden to draw and take pictures of living and non-living objects

Peek at the week:

  • Writing: Opinion writing; Complete Dinosaur research book
  • Math: Fair share (intro. to fractions)
  • ELA: ABC order
  • Science: continue Living/Non-living STEAM unit

Reminders and Announcements:

  • April 1-5 Spring Break
  • April 15 iMom breakfast (last one for the year)
  • April 16 Mother/Son Skate Night @ Skate Inn - $5/person
  • April 17 RBES night @ Sonic
  • April 19 Kindergarten Barn Dance performance 8:30a
  • April 26 Field Trip to Rock House Creamery farm
  • April 26 - Relay for Life 6p-12a
  • May 13 K-2 Field Day (be sure to sign up to volunteer quickly, if you are trained, when the sign up come out.  It fills up fast!)
  • May 17 Half day on last day of School
  • May   End of Year party (time to be announced later)

Monday, March 18, 2019

Ms. Shelly's News March 15

This week was short, but we made the most of it! We had a lot of fun wearing green. I updated the reminders and
announcements. I can't believe we are so close to the end of the year already. Be sure to mark your calendars for
upcoming events!

Week in Review:

  • Writing- Began to solve a classroom problem using our own ideas and writing about it
  • Math- Practice subtraction using clover counters; Fluency practice within 5
  • Reading - Prepositions; Reading Leprechaun books 
  • Science- Rock explorations

Activity Snapshot:

  • Graphed Lucky charms cereal marshmallows
  • Picture day
  • 1st grade play- Pajama Party

Peek at the week:

  • ELA: Main idea and details from a story cont.
  • Writing: Opinion Writing; Dinosaur research book
  • Math: Addition and Subtraction; Missing addend
  • Science:Living and Nonliving Things
Image result for dinomite book fair
              DINO-MITE Book Fair is coming to Rocky Branch Elementary School from
                                                     March 18 through 22!

Book Fair - Click for Schedule
Please let me know what day someone is coming. It helps us to know who to be looking for with so many grandparents in attendance!

Grandparent Lunches - Click for Lunch Schedule
Grandparents are welcome any day to eat lunch and do not have to sign up. 
IMPORTANT - Parents need to give permission for adults planning on eating with their child. Please complete the google form to list adults planning on attending. Click HERE to complete.
STEAM Night - March 19th 5:00 - 7:00
There will be free hands on activities for all ages.
 Ice Cream and ESP Java Joy Hot Chocolate will be part of a fundraiser. This is one of the highlights of the year - don't miss out! 

What is the 2019 Rocky Branch Mother and Son event?
Skate Night!
Athens Skate Inn 295 Commerce Blvd. Athens, Georgia 30606
Tuesday April 16th, 2019   5:30 – 7:30
How much will it cost?
$5.00 per person (pay at the door, no prepay needed)
*Concessions will be available for purchase.
See you there!

Reminders and Announcements

  • March 18-22 Spring Book Fair
  • March 19 STEAM night @ RBES
  • April 1-5 Spring Break
  • April 15 iMom breakfast
  • April 16 Mother/Son Skate Night @ Skate Inn
  • April 17 RBES night @ Sonic
  • April 26 Field Trip to the Farm (Rock House Creamery)
  • April 26 - Relay for Life 6p-12a
  • May 13 K-2 Field Day (be sure to sign up to volunteer quickly, if you are trained, when the sign up come out.  It fills up fast!)
  • May 17 Half day of school on last day of School
  • May   End of Year party (time to be announced later)

Friday, March 8, 2019

Ms. Shelly's News March 8

Image result for dinomite book fair

 DINO-MITE Book Fair is coming to Rocky Branch Elementary School from
March 18 through 22!

Book Fair - Click for Schedule

Grandparent Lunches - Click for Lunch Schedule
Grandparents are welcome any day to eat lunch and do not have to sign up. 
IMPORTANT - Parents need to give permission for adults planning on eating with their child. Please complete the google form to list adults planning on attending. Click HERE to complete.
STEAM Night - March 19th 5:00 - 7:00
There will be free hands on activities for all ages.
 Ice Cream and ESP Java Joy Hot Chocolate will be part of a fundraiser. This is one of the highlights of the year - don't miss out! 


Our STEAM Night Ice Cream Social will be Tues., Mar. 19 from 5-7 p.m. in the cafeteria. Please send in any of the following toppings and materials to the RBES front office before Mar. 15.

Materials and Topping Needed
plastic spoons
2-Liter bottles of Coke
variety of toppings (gummy bears, cherries, sprinkles, syrup, chocolate chips, m&ms, etc.)

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  • Continue to practice sight words every night for 5-10 minutes. 
  • Continue to practice counting to 100 by 1's and 10's at home. Some students have moved on to counting by 5's.
  • Shoe Tying practice...There are some super interested kids wanting to tie their shoes all on their own.  Be sure to practice this skill at home.

Grandparent Lunches

Parents will be asked to complete a google form indicating who is allowed to eat with their child during Book Fair week.  The link will be in the March Parent Newsletter.  Link will be sent by the end of the week from the front office.

Week in Review:

  • Writing: Dr. Seuss stories; Research writing on dinosaurs
  • Math: mixed addition and subtraction practice within 5 
  • ELA: rhyming; real and nonsense words; CVC/CCVC words

Activity Snapshot:

  • We read lots of Dr. Seuss stories this week.  Some we have heard and some were new!
  • We enjoyed dressing up this week!  Thanks for helping to support this fun activity!
  • We made Cat in the Hat and Daisy Head Maizy hats.
  • Math fluency practice with rainbow goldfish crackers.

Peek at the week:

  • ELA: Main idea and details from a story
  • Writing: Intro. to opinion writing
  • Math: Addition and Subtraction fluency to 5
  • Science: Rocks and soil

Reminders and Announcements:

  • March 11- Teacher Work Day  (No school) Scheduled conferences
  • March 14-  K Picture Day 
  • March 18- 22- Spring book fair- Parents are welcome to attend! A calendar came home with our day and time
  • March 19- STEAM night @ RBES
  • April 1-5 Spring Break
  • April 26 - Relay for Life

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Ms. Shelly's News March 1

If you have not yet signed up for a conference, please do so soon.  If you need a different time, please contact me directly.  If you do not feel that you need to meet with me, you are not required to, but please send an email to let me know you do not wish to have a conference at this time.

Seuss Week

Image result for homework clip art

  • Continue to practice sight words every night for 5-10 minutes. 
  • Continue to practice counting to 100 by 1's and 10's at home. Some students have moved on to counting by 5's.
  • Shoe Tying practice...There are some super interested kids wanting to tie their shoes all on their own.  Be sure to practice this skill at home.

Grandparent Lunches

Parents will be asked to complete a google form indicating who is allowed to eat with their child during Book Fair week.  The link will be in the March Parent Newsletter.  Link will be sent by the end of the week from the front office.

Week in Review:

  • Writing: Finished up our most recent true narrative writing. Shared our writings with the class!
  • Math: mixed addition and subtraction practice within 5
  • ELA: Practice blending CVC/CCVC  (consonant, vowel, consonant) words; Verbs
  • Science: Intro to soil

Activity Snapshot:

  • The Pilot club visited to put on a puppet show about safety "Brain Minders" to teach us how to protect our bodies and our brain from injury.
  • We played in different soils.  Lots of observations and comparisons happening in the classroom and on the playground!

Peek at the week:

  • Writing: Dinosaur research book, Dr. Seuss story
  • Math: mixed addition and subtraction practice
  • ELA: Practice blending CVC/CCVC words; Rhyming
  • Dr. Seuss week

Reminders and Announcements:

  • March 6 & 7- K registration (If you know of anyone that will be starting K at RBES next year, please pass these dates along!
  • March 11- Teacher Work Day 
  • March 14-  K Picture Day 
  • March 18- 22- Spring book fair- Parents are welcome to attend! A calendar came home with our day and time
  • March 19- STEAM night @ RBES
  • April 1-5 Spring Break
  • April 26 - Relay for Life